Erectile Dysfunction
What is erectile dysfunction?
The inability to attain and/or maintain an erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual performance and persistent in 3 months. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a term recommended by a panel of experts in 1992 to replace the term “impotence” Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a condition whereby a man has difficulties getting or maintaining an erection in order to engage in sexual intercourse.
What causes erection in males?
Erection, also called Penile Erection, enlargement, hardening, and elevation of the male reproductive organ penis. Internally, the penis has three long masses of cylindrical tissue, known as erectile tissue. When the penis is in a flaccid, or resting, state, the vascular spaces are collapsed and the tissue is condensed. During erection, blood flows into the spaces, causing distention and elevation of the penis. The amount of blood entering the penis can be increased by physical or psychological stimulation. As blood enters, there is a temporary reduction in the rate and volume of blood leaving the penis. The arteries carrying blood to the penis dilate; this, in turn, causes tissue expansion. The veins leading from the penis have funnel-shaped valves that reduce the outflow of blood. As the erectile tissue begins to enlarge, the additional pressure causes the veins to be squeezed against the surrounding fibrous tissue, and this further diminishes the outflow of blood. Essentially, blood becomes temporarily trapped in the organ. As long as it is trapped it reflects in sustained erection.
What causes erectile dysfunction in males?
Clogged blood vessels (atherosclerosis) High cholesterol. High blood pressure. Metabolic syndrome — a condition involving increased blood pressure, high insulin levels, body fat around the waist and high cholesterol. ED usually has a multifactorial etiology. Organic, physiologic, endocrine, and psychogenic factors are involved in the ability to obtain and maintain erections. In general, ED is divided into 2 broad categories, organic and psychogenic. Although most ED was once attributed to psychological factors, pure psychogenic ED is in fact uncommon; however, many men with organic etiologies may also have an associated psychogenic component.
How do I fix my erectile dysfunction?
Enough options are available that every man who wants to be sexually active can be, regardless of the etiology of the problem. These include sexual counseling if no organic causes can be found for the dysfunction, oral medications, external vacuum devices, or some type of invasive therapy..
Can development of erectile dysfunction be prevented?
The AUA observes that because diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension increase the risk of developing ED, optimal management of these diseases may prevent the development of ED. Similarly, because attaining and maintaining a firm erection requires good vascular function, it is reasonable to assume that lifestyle modifications to improve vascular function (eg, smoking cessation, maintenance of ideal body weight, and regular exercise) may prevent or reverse ED. At present, however, only minimal data support these suppositions.
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