Male Infertility [Sperm Optimisation]
How early pregnancy happens after marriage?
It is observed that the chance of a normal couple conceiving is 20% to 35% by three months, 75% by six months, and 90% at one year. Of those couples that do not conceive in the first year, as many as 50% will conceive in the next year. Couples that have tried without success to conceive should see a fertility specialist.
How severe is male infertility?
Of all infertility cases, approximately 40–50% is due to “male factor” infertility and as many as 2% of all men will exhibit suboptimal sperm parameters.
How male infertility is diagnosed?
Male infertility is commonly due to deficiencies in the semen, and semen quality is used as a surrogate measure of male fecundity. It may be one or a combination of low sperm concentration, poor sperm motility, or abnormal morphology.
What are the possible treatment options?
Treatments of some causes of male infertility are available (medicines & microsurgery methods), but for the majority of patients with abnormal semen analyses, there are no methods of proved effectiveness. A medical or surgical treatment may become established because it is logical and obviously effective.
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